Calculator On Windows 10 Not Working

The built-in Windows calculator has come a long way since first being introduced with Windows 1.0 in 1985. It includes different modes, date calculations, and some handy everyday conversions functions. Here’s how you can get the most out of the often overlooked calculator app. After that check, if you are still getting the Windows 10 calculator not working problem or not. If it has fixed the issue, then simply delete the old account and start using the new account. Method 3: Reinstalling Windows Calculator completely. The last thing that we can try out is to uninstall Windows Calculator completely and install it back. If you are using the Calculator app for the first time, and it is not working in Windows 10, then there could possibly be a UAC or User Access Control restriction on your PC. The best way to deal with this issue is by creating an identical User ID as of yours. To create a new user account, follow these steps. Fix All Windows 10 Calculator Issues Code: Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers Foreach Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($.InstallLocation)AppXM. Windows Search is actually one of the many utilities preinstalled on Windows machines. Since it works like any other application on your computer, you can stop its process, which will hopefully fix the problem with Windows 10 search not working. – / Killing does not mean removing a feature, but simply temporarily stopping it from running on.

This morning when I woke up, I found my computer updating itself, and it said I would be excited about the new updates. Well now when I click my calculator it says that it cannot be used in my Administrator Account and it asks me to sign in again with another Account. It was working before in my Administrator Account, why not now?
To say the least, I am NOT excited about this at all. Is there anything that I can do to get it working again? I tried right clicking it to see if I could open it with my Administrator, but nothing was there for me to do that with.
Any help would really be appreciated.

Windows 10 comes with a built-in Calculator app. Several builds ago, Microsoft replaced the classic Calculator desktop app with a new Store app, but you can get the classic Calculator app in Windows 10 easily.

Like other Store (UWP) apps, the new Calculator can have issues. Sometimes it refuses to start or silently crashes. If you are running into such issues, here are a number of methods you can use to fix Calculator.

Calculator On Windows 10 Not Working

Windows 10 Calculator Not Working This App Can't Open

First of all, you should try to reset it. It can be done with Settings.

Fix: Calculator is not opening in Windows 10

Calculator on windows 10 not working together
  1. Open Settings.
  2. Go to Apps -> Apps & features.
  3. On the right side, look for Calculator and click it.
  4. The advanced options link will appear. Click it.
  5. On the next page, click on the Reset button to reset Microsoft Store to default settings.

Now, try to open Calculator. Tip: You can launch Calculator directly as described in the following article: Run Calculator in Windows 10 directly.

Calculator On Windows 10 Not Working Windows

If this doesn't help, try to reinstall the app in the OS. Here is how it can be done.

Reinstall Calculator in Windows 10

As you may already know, the built-in Store apps like Calculator, Mail and Calendar, Photos and so on, can't be removed using traditional methods. Instead, you should use PowerShell. Refer to this article:


To reinstall the Calculator app, you should issue a special PowerShell command, as described below.

To reinstall Calculator in Windows 10, do the following.

  1. Open PowerShell as administrator.
  2. Copy and paste the following command: Get-AppxPackage –AllUsers| Select Name, PackageFullName >'$env:userprofileDesktopmyapps.txt'.
    The list of the installed Store app with their package names will be stored in the myapps.txt file on the Desktop.
  3. Open the myapps.txt file and find the full package name for the row Microsoft.WindowsCalculator. In my case, it is Microsoft.WindowsCalculator_10.1712.10601.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe.
  4. Now, execute the following command: Remove-AppxPackage Microsoft.WindowsCalculator_10.1712.10601.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe. Change the full package name if required.
  5. Now, open Microsoft Store and install Calculator from there. Type 'Calculator' in the search box and click on Windows Calculator to install the official app.
  6. On the next page, click on the Get button and you are done.

Tip: Here is the direct link to the official Calculator app.

Windows 10 Calculator Not Working Domain User

Windows Calculator in Microsoft Store

Calculator Doesn't Work In Windows 10

That's it.