File Exception Error Victoria 2

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This article helps you resolve the problem where unhandled exceptions cause ASP.NET-based applications to quit unexpectedly in the .NET Framework.

System Exception Error

Original product version: .NET Framework 4.5
Original KB number: 911816



This article applies to the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 and all later versions.


Exception Error Fix

When an unhandled exception is thrown in a ASP.NET-based application that is built on the .NET Framework 2.0 and later versions, the application unexpectedly quits. When this problem occurs, no exception information that you must have to understanding the issue is logged in the application log.

However, an event message that is similar to the following example may be logged in the System log. Additionally, an event message that is similar to the following example may be logged in the application log.

File Exception Error Victoria 2007


This problem occurs because the default policy for unhandled exceptions has changed in the .NET Framework 2.0 and later versions. By default, the policy for unhandled exceptions is to end the worker process.

In the .NET Framework 1.1 and in the .NET Framework 1.0, unhandled exceptions on managed threads were ignored. Unless you attached a debugger to catch the exception, you wouldn't realize that anything was wrong.

ASP.NET uses the default policy for unhandled exceptions in the .NET Framework 2.0 and later versions. When an unhandled exception is thrown, the ASP.NET-based application unexpectedly quits.

This behavior doesn't apply to exceptions that occur in the context of a request. These kinds of exceptions are still handled and wrapped by an HttpException object. Exceptions that occur in the context of a request don't cause the worker process to end. However, unhandled exceptions outside the context of a request, such as exceptions on a timer thread or in a callback function, cause the worker process to end.

Resolution 1

Wickedwhims Exception File

Modify the source code for the IHttpModule object so that it will log exception information to the application log. The information that is logged will include the following:

  • The virtual directory path in which the exception occurred
  • The exception name
  • The message
  • The stack trace

To modify the IHttpModule object, follow these steps.


Unhandled Exception Error Fix

This code will log a message that has the Event Type of Error and the Event Source of ASP.NET 2.0.50727.0 in the application log. To test the module, request an ASP.NET page that uses the ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem method to call a method that throws an unhandled exception.

  1. Put the following code in a file that is named UnhandledExceptionModule.cs.

  2. Save the UnhandledExceptionModule.cs file to the C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 8VC folder.

  3. Open the Visual Studio Command Prompt.

  4. Type sn.exe -k key.snk, and then press ENTER.

  5. Type csc /t:library /r:system.web.dll,system.dll /keyfile:key.snk UnhandledExceptionModule.cs, and then press ENTER.

  6. Type gacutil.exe /if UnhandledExceptionModule.dll, and then press ENTER.

  7. Type ngen install UnhandledExceptionModule.dll, and then press ENTER.

  8. Type gacutil /l UnhandledExceptionModule, and then press ENTER to display the strong name for the UnhandledExceptionModule file.

  9. Add the following code to the Web.config file of your ASP.NET-based application.

Resolution 2


Change the unhandled exception policy back to the default behavior that occurs in the .NET Framework 1.1 and in the .NET Framework 1.0.


We do not recommend that you change the default behavior. If you ignore exceptions, the application may leak resources and abandon locks.

To enable this default behavior, add the following code to the Aspnet.config file that is located in the following folder:


This behavior is by design.

More information

For more information about changes in the .NET Framework 2.0, visit Breaking Changes in .NET Framework 2.0.

Sometimes, when you try to save changes in a Sketchup file, the following error can happen:

The CFileException 2 error can happen for various reasons, including:

  1. none,
  2. generic,
  3. fileNotFound,
  4. badPath,
  5. tooManyOpenFiles,
  6. accessDenied,
  7. invalidFile,
  8. removeCurrentDir,
  9. directoryFull,
  10. badSeek,
  11. hardIO,
  12. sharingViolation,
  13. lockViolation,
  14. diskFull,
  15. endOfFile

You may be feeling kind of lost now… but don’t worry. To try and solve this problem, see if your situation fits into any of the causes below:

  1. The file that you saved is in a Dropbox/OneDrive/Amazon Cloud folder and it’s being synchronized as you edit it?
  2. You have write permission (can you save files) in the folder you want?
  3. The disk you are using has enough free space for this file?
  4. Your hard drive is showing ‘health problems’ or any other signs of imminent death?

Answered Yes to any of these questions? Then try to save the file into another disk or folder. Sketchup doesn’t like working with files that are on a network/shared folder or are being using by other programs.

If you use a cloud storage service (Dropbox, OneDrive, etc), it’s better to use it as a backup location. In my experience, SketchUp + files on the network (or cloud storage) = problem.

I hope it helped.

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Please allow me to introduce myself...I'm a former psychologist, with almost a decade worth of experience in Human Resources and People Management. Now a developer/software analyst working with PowerBuilder, C#, PowerShell and currently expanding to the world of Python, Xamarin, PHP Angular and (why not?) Unity.
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