Rome 2 Province Guide

How to Play Total War - A Beginners Guide Official Rome 2 FAQ Thread Guides for New Players Videos Online Encyclopaedia Access General Campaign Guides: Total War: Rome II - Beginner's Guide by Dark Side (^Work in Progress, though past efforts have been excellent) Skye's Video Library Videos SusaVile's Rome 2 Building Planner, all factions.

“The sinews of war are infinite money.” Cicero 43 BC

  • Taxing is Province wide in Rome 2. You either tax all cities/towns in a province or none at all. To do that select any city/town from that province and click the 'Details' button.
  • Emperor Edition is the definitive edition of ROME II, featuring an improved politics system, overhauled building chains, rebalanced battles and improved visuals in both campaign and battleEmperor Edition contains all free feature updates since its release in 2013, which includes bug fixes, balancing, Twitch.
Rome provinces map

“The source of infinite money is total war.” Sega 2013 AD

While there are already strategies available on this topic, I wanted to put forward some comments about what to build in provinces from my own limited experience and a brief analysis of the stats.

This guide was written based on Patch 8 and focuses a bit more on the mid to late game rather than early game building planning. The guide relates mostly to the Rome factions. I am far from an expert on campaign strategy, but nevertheless thought my input might be helpful to some players.

Rome 2 Battle Guide

Why a Province management guide? Rome II differs from previous Total War titles in that there is much more balancing of advantages and disadvantages of different building lines. Earlier games required you simply to grow your population and build the best buildings as and when you could afford them. There might be a choice between castle or city, but that was it. Bigger was better. Not so in Rome II: the bigger the building the worse the penalties. So optimisation of the limited number of buildings that can be constructed in each settlement and province is a case of maximising the advantages and compensating for the disadvantages.

Rome Province Italy

Understanding this optimisation is all about getting to grips with the game’s different economic and military resources.

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Imperial provinces in rome

Steam Community :: Guide :: Rome 2: Making Money

Hello everyone!
I've been reading about some new players that having problems with the grand campaign. Some says it is difficult to play.
So here I am, gonna try to give you some very basic tips and tricks for dominating the world with any faction on the legendary difficulty.
And hopefully at the end of this guide, you will say: rome 2 is the easiest game in total war series.
My first guide, first time on this forum, I hope you like it.
I've complete the grand campaign with some of the factions and based on this guide.
(This guide made by myself. If you have better ideas, please share it!)

Arachosia TimeLapse:
Here starts the guide:
Almost everyone hates slow passing turns. So I'm gonna give you 2 tips in order to prevent slow passing turns.
1-Before starting a campaign, open the options on the faction-selection screen(where you arrange battle time, advisor help etc.). On the top of that options, you can see 'Show AI moves' selection. Don't select it! Because then you have to watch your opponent's generals, admirals etc. in every turn. (You can chase your opponents by sending them agents, champions.)
2-Don't make any trade agreement! Wha? What a weird diplomat, right? Hell yeah! Because it will open roads between you and your trading factions. And every turn you have to watch any general-admiral passing by that roads. (Anyway on legendary difficulty nobody will ask you to trade. Who cares? You are dominating the world!)
Even If you conquer half of the map, there is a faction with single city and on diplomatic screen the game shows you are equal to them. I think it is based on economy. The more strong economy you have, the more effective diplomacy you have.
There are small towns and big cities in this game. You should know how to modify them in order to get good taxes. Edicts are depends to you.
Cities: You have to upgrade all your Cities to level 2. You should build military buildings just in the cities. And if you still can build something in the city, that should be something gives you +public order. (I dont recommend you level 3 upgrade because you will need more food and more public order. You should use that extra food and public order in order to upgrade military buildings. Remember, you need best fighters of that faction.)
Towns: You have to upgrade all your Towns to level 2. You should build farm and religious(spreads religion and provides +public order) buildings.
With this way; you can avoid food minus which coming from city/town upgrades. And that much public order will let you to maximize taxes from provinces. And each province which have 2 town 1 city = 2k income. And with 2k income you can build 1 full stack qualified army.
Finally it should be something like this:
1-When you attack or defend city/town/army; you can make automatic-battle and let the computer command your troops(if you want to move fast on campaign). It depends on the casualties. For me %70 and above is ok.
2-And there is some cases in which the enemy shows superiority to your army. Something like %90. Don't be panic. Just fight manually.
Suebi 1k vs 3k Namnetes:
Suebi 1k vs 4k Namnetes:
Suebi 2k vs 1k Athens + 2k Pontus:
I'm using 8 cavalries, 4 spear units, 4 sword or mace units and 4 missile unit on (almost)every faction.
War Tactics:
1-If you are attacking to town/army, send your infantries and cavalries from different sides. Try to make a sandwich. Bread is your army, and the enemy is in between.
2-If you are defending town/army, check the AI deployment and know the attacking front. Mostly the AI using only 1 entry of the city/town. Rarely AI may send some cavalries from another entrance.
All you have to do is: make a 3 line 'Shield-Wall' formation to your infantries. Sides weak(2 unit), center strong. In the center put your infantries back to back. And put the missile units back of the center units. The AI is not going to attack your shield wall. Well, what then? The AI will be trying to pass by your units and reach the victory point. So your units will just stand there and take down whoever trying to pass. Even If one of them made it and pass from the center units, they will be weavering. So leave half of your cavalries to give them last punch and leave other half in order to avoid any enemy flanking cavalries.
3-If you are fighting more than 2 army, get rid of first army immediately. If you are attacking to town, get rid of garrison units and leave your infantries in the victory point center. Even if the enemy reinforcements arrive, infantries move slow so cavalries will come early and they will be undefended easy targets. Send your cavalries to get rid of them while your infantries gets victory point. Their infantry will come too but they're running from the edge of the map so even tho they're spear units, you can get them with your cavalries believe me.
*As you can see on my Kartli campaign, you can dominate the map in 400 turns without losing any city/town.
*I was rushing a bit on my Suebi campaign so I did complete campaign in 350 turns but during the campaign I've lost 11 city/town and get them back. Since its legendary difficulty, you cant load from last save. There will be only 1 save and the game will save automatically.
*Before attacking make sure that your cities/towns has constat public order, even If you take your army from that city/town.
*Upgrade your military buildings and try to get full stack army consisting from best fighters of the faction that you are playing. First 50-100 turn its difficult I know. But even 1 full stack qualified army can change everything. As you can see on 'Military' part of the guide, qualified army makes huge difference on 1k vs 4k battles.
*After that you can start to conquest. (Beware; our economy based on provinces. So make sure that you are attacking to city/town in the same province.)
Good luck to you!